Las Nubes. You’ll Be Glad You Have Your iPhone.

One thing that I really love about traveling through the Valle De Guadalupe is that it’s not too big, which means you can see from one side to the other at the right vantage points. Part of the adventure is to spot something in the distance and just point your car in that direction. It’s not exactly how I discovered Las Nubes but as a first-time visitor, the property can easily be seen from just about anywhere in the Valle. I love that about this location because it proves my point every time – this place has some incredible infrastructure. I like to think of Las Nubes as an Italian Estate on the hillside with its massive rock walls, the color of the roofline, and the bougainvillea flowers that line the winery. The property is also surrounded by Olive trees which help to cut the wind down and protect the grapes. On my first visit I met one of the very unassuming owners, Victor Segura, and he told me all about his vision and why the winery sits where it does now. He lead everyone to the massive rock staircase leading down to the aging room and asked us to take a seat and look out towards the Valle. This is when your thankful for your iPhone camera and the great pictures they take. The view is EPIC. It gets even better when Victor explains how he walked up that hill before anything existed their and looked out on the same Valle and decided, because of this view, he would build his winery on that exact spot. He points out the clouds in the distance and their meaning to him and why most of his wines are named after the types of clouds in the sky. This is the other thing I really enjoy about the Valle De Guadalupe – most owners or partners are very involved in the daily operations and the chances of meeting one of them is very likely. Victor finishes his tour in the aging room while he talks about the climate control, his state of the art building, and where his project is going in the future. By this time, the upstairs patio is filled with locals because they all know this is the best view in the Valle. They also know they can enjoy his perfectly paired wines with the appetizers on his menu that are accented with the Lavender that is grown throughout the property. What I love the most about the wines at Las Nubes, is they are equally as good at home even – without the view. Visit the website and find your varietal.


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